REDCap does not have fixed instruments for participants and visits. Therefore, you need to map the REDCap Instruments with OpenSpecimen Participant and Visit fields.
The For mapping, the REDCap variables can be obtained from the ‘data dictionary’ available under ‘Project Home and Design’.
Add REDCap Server
<what is this step, why is this needed?>
Before configuring the REDCap project to a specific Collection Protocol in OpenSpecimen, you need to establish a link between your desired REDCap and OpenSpecimen servers. This will helps the OpenSpecimen to pull the data from the REDCap projects associated with the REDCap server using API tokens. Furthermore, once the server is configured you can reuse the saved configuration multiple times for adding the projects. You can add the REDCap Server in the following steps:
Go to the CP Overview Page and click on the 'Settings' tab on the left sidebar.
Select ‘REDCap Project Configuration' and click on the 'Add Project’ button.
Click on the ‘Add New’, provide details on server name, host base URL, plugin path, and time zone, and click on the ‘save’ button.
Data Dictionary for Server Configuration
Info |
Please note that the PHP plugin can be placed anywhere on the REDCap server as long as the PHP file is executable by the webserver web server and the functioning of the plugin PHP is not compromised. |
Field Name | Mandatory? | Description |
Server Name | Yes | Free text to enter a name for the REDCap server. For example, OpenSpecimen REDCap QA server |
Host URL | Yes | The base URL for the REDCap server. For example, https://www.project-redcap.org |
Plugin Path | No | The relative path for the PHP plugin installed on the REDCap server. To check the all the plugins installed on the REDCap server, add ‘/plugins’ at the end of your REDCap base URL. For example, https://www.project-redcap.org/plugins |
Time Zone | No | The timezone of the REDCap server. |
To link the REDCap Project with the OpenSpecimen Collection Protocoladd a new REDCap project to your desired collection protocol, you can follow the below steps:
Go to the CP Overview Page and click on the 'Settings' tab on the left sidebar.
Select ‘REDCap Project Configuration' and click on the 'Add Project’ button.
Add Provide information on the project name of your choice, appropriate server name, API token generated for the project, and default site for CP. You can save the PHI data to the OpenSpecimen by selecting the ‘Enabled’ option for ‘Save PHI Date'. Furthermore, you can also add users to notify them about the errors that occurred during synchronization. ‘Snapshot Download Page Size’ specifies site, PHI data, snapshot download page size, and users.
Data Dictionary for Project Configuration
Field Name | Mandatory? | Description |
Name | Yes | Free text to enter a name for the REDCap Project. For example, Testing_RC |
Server Name | Yes | Name for the REDCap server where your REDCap server is configured. For example, OpenSpecimen REDCap QA server |
API Token | Yes | User specific API token generated for the project. For example, A411D356AXYRC0C8A2742EBC366778HD |
Site | No | Site linked with your collection protocol. |
Save PHI Data | Yes | ‘Enable' or 'Disable’ option to allow or pervent the collection of Personal Health Information (PHI) of the participant respectively. |
Snapshot Download Page Size | No | Specifies the maximum number of records that will be |
pulled from the REDCap |
at each interval. This is repeated ‘N' numbers of times until all records are pulled. It helps to minimize the overload to the OpenSpecimen server. For example, if there are 10,000 records in REDCap project, and you have set the 'Snapshot Download Page Size' value to 5000, then OpenSpecimen will take 2 turns to pull all 10,000 records from the REDCap. The default value |
is '1000’. | ||
Notify Users on Errors | No | Specifies the name of the users who will be notified when there are any error during REDCap synchronization process. |
Mapping Participants and Visits
Mapping can be done at two levels:
Participant (Both classical and longitutinal studies)
Visit (
Logngitutinal study)
Participant Level Mapping
The participant matching is done based on the following attributes:
MRN (site + MRN)
If a match is found, then that participant is used for registration and update purposes. Otherwise, a new participant is created for registration.
The steps for mapping the participant fields are as follow: