Parameter | Details |
userId | User id of the User |
firstName | First name of the user |
middleName | Middle name of the user |
domainName | Name of the authentication domain. You cannot able to change domain of the user once user created |
emailAddress | Email Address of the user. This attribute should be unique in catissue application |
loginName | Login Name through which user can login to catissue application, should be unique in authentication domains. You cannot able to change domain of the user once user created |
siteNames | Name of the sites to which the user belongs |
roleNames | Name if the roles which user has. It can be one or many. By default its scientist in application |
cpTitles | Name of the collection protocols to which user belongs. |
activityStatus | Activity status of the user, permissible values are {active, closed, pending, disabled} |
deptName | Name of department to which user belongs |
comments | Comments on user given by admin while approval |
country | Country of the user |
state | State of the user |
city | City of the user |
zipCode | Zip Code of the user |
phoneNumber | Phone number of the user |
faxNumber | Fax number of the user |
Method | URL |
URL | catissuecore/rest/ng/users/{userId} |
Method | PATCH |
Request | application/json |
json | { "lastName":"Piterson", "firstName":"Sam" } |
Response | { "id" : " 1", "lastName":"Piterson", "firstName":"Sam", "domainName":"catissue", "emailAddress":"sam.piterson@live.com", "loginName":"samPiterson", "siteNames":["My group", "New Site"], "roleNames" : ["adminstrator"], "cpTitles":["MyCp", "Test Cp"], "activityStatus":"Active", "deptName":"Department of onchology", "comments":"bla bla bla", "city":"Jalgaon", "state":"Maharashtra", "country":"India", "zipCode":"425022", "faxNumber":"434343AS", "phoneNumber":"654323", } |
Error Cases :
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | User has been updated successfully |
400 | All requests | Invalid parameters, e.g duplicate Login Name, duplicate Email Address, blank First Name etc |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed, User doesn’t have Authority |
404 | All requests | User not found, User with given details not present in the system |
500 | All requests | Internal server error, Encountered server error while performing operations |