Below are the attributes which need to be sent in the request body:
Parameter | Details |
name | Container Name. It should be unique in application |
barcode | Container Barcode |
activityStatus | Activity Status of container |
tempratureInCentigrade | Temperature of storage container. |
createdBy | User Id who had been created the container |
siteName | Site name in which the container is present |
parentContainerName[Optional] |
Parent container name. By default is will be null |
It is collection of details object which contains the information of specimens and their positions having following parameters
specimenName - name of specimen
positionDimensionOne - Position one of specimen in container
positionDimensionTwo - Position two of specimen in container
positionDimensionOneString - Name given to position dimension one string eg. row
positionDimensionTwoString - Name given to position dimension two string eg. column
cpNameCollection | Name of collection protocols to restrict specific protocol for storage |
Details object of Storage container capcity, Contains following parameters
oneDimensionCapacity -oneDimensionCapacity | Max capacity of dimension one eg.30 |
twoDimensionCapacity |
Max capacity of dimension two eg.30 | |
comments [optional] | Comments for container, By default it will be null |
URL | http://<host>:<port>/ catissuecore/rest/ng/roles |
Method | POST |
Request | application/json |
json | { "name":"Container1", "barcode":"2-edpwesdadas-343", "activityStatus":"Active", "createdBy" : 1, "tempratureInCentigrade":22.22, "siteName":"My Site", "parentContainerDetails":{ "nameparentContainerName": "Freezer", "barcode ":"2-edpwesdadas", "activityStatus":"Active", "specimenPositionDetails":[], "cpNameCollection":["Cp1","My CP"], "holdsSpecimenClassCollection":["Cell","Tissue","Fluid"], "holdsSpecimenTypeCollection":["Serum", "Fixed Tissue Slide","Whole Blood"], "comment":"Blah blah blah", " capacityDetails":{ "oneDimensionCapacity":10, "twoDimensionCapacity":10 } }, "specimenPositionDetails":[ { "specimenName":"Myspecimen1", "positionDimensionOne":1, "positionDimensionTwo":2, "positionDimensionOneString":"row", "positionDimensionTwoString":"column" } ], "cpNameCollection":["Cp1","My CP"], "holdsSpecimenClassCollection":["Cell","Tissue","Fluid"], "holdsSpecimenTypeCollection":["Serum","Fixed Tissue Slide","Whole Blood"], "comment":"Blah blah blah", "capacityDetails":{"oneDimensionCapacity":10,"twoDimensionCapacity":10} } |
Response | { "id" : 1, "name":"Container1", "barcode":"2-edpwesdadas-343", "activityStatus":"Active", "createdBy" : 1, "tempratureInCentigrade":22.22, "siteName":"My Site", "parentContainerDetails":{ "nameparentContainerName": "Freezer", "barcode":"2-edpwesdadas", "activityStatus":"Active", "specimenPositionDetails":[], "cpNameCollection":["Cp1","My CP"], "holdsSpecimenClassCollection":["Cell","Tissue","Fluid"], "holdsSpecimenTypeCollection":["Serum","Fixed Tissue Slide","Whole Blood"], "comment":"Blah blah blah", "capacityDetails":{ "id" : 1, "oneDimensionCapacity":10, "twoDimensionCapacity ":10 } }, "specimenPositionDetails":[ { "id" : 1, "specimenName":"Myspecimen1", "positionDimensionOne":1, "positionDimensionTwo":2, "positionDimensionOneString":"row", "positionDimensionTwoString":"column" } ], "cpNameCollection":["Cp1","My CP"], "holdsSpecimenClassCollection":["Cell","Tissue","Fluid"], "holdsSpecimenTypeCollection":["Serum","Fixed Tissue Slide","Whole Blood"], "comment":"Blah blah blah", "capacityDetails":{ "id" : 1, "oneDimensionCapacity":10, "twoDimensionCapacity":10 } } |
Error Cases :
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | Storage Container has been created successfully |
400 | All requests | Invalid parameters, e.g duplicate Container Name, blank Container Name etc |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed, User doesn’t have Authority |
500 | All requests | Internal server error, Encountered server error while performing operations |