URL | http://<host>:<port>/ catissuecore/rest/ng/storage-containers/{containerId} |
Method | PUT |
Request | application/json |
json | { "name":"Container1", "barcode":"2-edpwesdadas-343", "activityStatus":"Active", "createdBy" : 1, "tempratureInCentigrade":22.22, "siteName":"My Site", "parentContainerName": "Freezer", "cpTitleCollection":["Cp1","My CP"], "holdsSpecimenTypes" : ["Blood","Tissue"], "comments":"Blah blah blah", "oneDimensionCapacity":10, "twoDimensionCapacity":10 } |
Response | { "id" : 1, "name":"Container1", "barcode":"2-edpwesdadas-343", "activityStatus":"Active", "createdBy" : 1, "tempratureInCentigrade":22.22, "siteName":"My Site", "parentContainerName": "Freezer", "cpTitleCollection":["Cp1","My CP"], "holdsSpecimenTypes" : ["Blood","Tissue"], "comments":"Blah blah blah", "oneDimensionCapacity":10, "twoDimensionCapacity":10, "oneDimentionalLabellingScheme ": "Numbers", "twoDimentionalLabellingScheme ": "Numbers" } |
Error Cases :
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | Storage Container has been updated successfully |
400 | All requests | Invalid parameters, e.g duplicate Container Name, blank Container Name etc |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed, User doesn’t have Authority |
404 | All requests | Container not found, Container with given details not present in the system |
500 | All requests | Internal server error, Encountered server error while performing operations |